
Archive for May, 2008

Taco Town commercial from SNL

May 30, 2008 1 comment

A day in New York city

May 25, 2008 1 comment

The day before we headed to New York, I saw that the Brooklyn Bridge was 125 years old. So on Saturday morning we jumped on the subway (to compare it versus the Tube) and walked over the bridge. As you can see, it was a nice and sunny day Manhattan. Other than walking around Saturday morning and having lunch with our friend Hayley, we didn’t have time to do much else before catching a train from Grand Central station so we could get up to Westchester county.

Large London Bumble Bee

Large London Bumble BeeMilo loves to chase them, and Lorie and I are in awe of the size of some of them. The bumble bees in London seem larger than in Seattle. Pictured is one (average size) that was dead in our garden. We had never felt the fuzz of a bumble bee before, but it is nice and soft. Milo probably wants one as his own pet – too bad he tries to eat them though.

We are off to New York, then Seattle. I will try to post about our travelling adventures when I can.  

Unrelated, but if you live in the US and you want to save cash when purchasing stuff online, start by searching for whatever it is you want to buy at

New Bench in the Garden

New benchMilo and a trollA while ago, Christmas I think, my brother Mike sent us a bench via Amazon. Yes, metal legs and wood pieces make for a heavy box. After cutting the grass today with some hand-shears, I put finally took the time to put the bench together. This included repairing a broken metal leg with some packing tape. I should at least get some tape that matches the dark green metal leg or come up with a better solution. It is the front leg on the left if you can see the white spot. Using packing tape to fix a metal leg is a pretty poor excuse for a DIY job.

Milo and the troll gnome watched, but never helped other than a brief moment to "water" the grass.

Random Thoughts: Cider, Space Junk, and Milo

Half and Regular cider

Cider: I usually drink the Aspall Cyder at our favourite Friday night pub (Spencer Arms) and I just discovered the half-pint. Most beers and ciders in the UK have their own glasses, except half-pint servings are often in a generic glass. Not so for the Aspall Cyder at the Spencer Arms.

Space Junk: Earlier this week, Lorie and I met up with a friend of a friend named Casey who works at Boeing and was in London for work. He does military-related stuff these days, so he couldn’t tell us much about his work, but at a previous job at Boeing he designed the emergency exit doors for Boeing 737 planes. His dad used to work at Boeing too and some of his work is still sitting on the moon! Apparently the antennas of the moon rovers are his. Milo in the grass   

Milo: This is for Alex’s benefit, since he calls this the "dog blog". This picture was taken in the Barnes Common field near what we call the "creepy hospital". We call it that because the hospital is closed, but sometimes lights are on and we once saw a nurse near the back entrance late at night.

Brian has built and released Messenger TV

MessengerTV-collageI have been a bit slow to post anything recently, because I have been busy building and releasing Messenger TV. If you are in the US though, you don’t get to have fun with it. We hope to change that in the future, but for now you can enjoy the screenshots and see the videos that will eventually be available in Messenger TV in the US by going to

Here are a few interesting things to read about it:

  1. Announcing Messenger TV for Windows Live Messenger (our pre-press release)
  2. Microsoft Switches on Messenger TV (the press release)
  3. Messenger TV in the news (the results of the above 2 links)

Meanwhile, Milo has been enjoying the warm weather.IMAG0024

Warm weekend in London

Milo and his tongue On the Thames at low tide

Despite the forecast for rain, the weekend turned out to be warm and sunny. We took Milo on a walk around the Thames from Hammersmith bridge to Putney bridge during low tide, so we were able to walk along the water and let Milo drink from the river. Hopefully the water wasn’t too toxic.

We also ended up at a friend’s party in Soho, where we were supposed come as Vikings. I figured being all Norwegian (a few generations ago) was good enough. You can see the BT Tower in the background from their deck, which is on the top of the building. It makes for a great place to have a partyRooftop deck in Soho London, especially when it is warm out and all the pubs down on the streets around the building are overflowing with people.    

Long weekend in London

Spring at Fulham cemetary with Milo

Thanks to a bank holiday, we had a 3-day weekend. No, I don’t really understand bank holidays yet, but who cares – a day off is always a nice thing. This of course meant that Milo got a few more walks, such as through the Fulham cemetery where he sees foxes and squirrels. The photo is a pathway in the cemetery that is full of pink petals off of the trees.

We also found time to visit a pub we hadn’t been to called the Nag’s Head, pictured below. It is a strange little pub, but with lots of character. We also got to have dinner at the very fashionable The Thomas Cubitt. I basically had pub food (Shepard’s pie), but it was good. The restaurant is right across the street from Milo’s 24-hour emergency vet, but thankfully we didn’t need to visit it this weekend.     


Where my blog readers are at


Hello friends and family. I see that you are located in Salt Lake City, London, California, Minnesota, Bellevue, New York, Gig Harbor, and a variety of other locations. Usually the name of the location is related to where your ISP is located, but it is close enough that I can guess who you are, since I do know many of you. (I can’t figure out which one is for Longview, WA though).

How does it work? I have a little IP2Map icon at the bottom of the right-hand column of my blog. When anyone visits that icon is loaded from the IP2Map site and it records the IP address of you, my visitor. It then looks up where all of these IP addresses are located and puts them on a map. Scroll down to the bottom of the right-hand column and click on the IP2Map icon to see the map and list of locations.