
Archive for May, 2013

Maker Faire 2013

May 20, 2013 2 comments

I took a couple hours on Sunday and checked out the Bay Area Maker Faire. This is where anyone interested in building their own gadgets can get together and learn from each other and buy stuff. I took a few photos, but there was just an overwhelming amount of stuff to see, which made me wonder “what should I build”? 

Busby’s view of San Francisco

Busby and his cousin Dakota

Our New Neighborhood

Here’s a few photos of our new neighborhood that I’ve taken over the last week as we get moved into our new house. Plus one of a drink that a cool bartender invented for us, but the bar, Tony Nik’s, is across town. It consisted of vodka, ginger liquor, lemon juice and orange bitters. We called it the Vertigo.  

Neighborhood: The Castro

Old train cars: Historic Streetcars

Park: Dolores Park