
Archive for June, 2008

Portobello, Wimbledon – life in London

June 29, 2008 1 comment

Wimbledon is known for tennis, which is like ping pong, but played with dog toys (the yellow ball). Friends from Chicago, Brent and Odele, have been in town to see a few games and apparently even had good seats and only got rained on for about 45 minutes during the 2 days they were there.

We ventured to Portobello road to see the market up there, relying on Cullen, our Montana friend, to be the tour guide. We figured that would make sense.

And of course, there have been a few pubs, busses, tube delays, and dog time.

Portabello market - 1

Portabello market - 2






Odele and Lorie in a taxi

Milo relaxing on the grass

Pigeon on the District Line

June 25, 2008 Leave a comment
I just saw a pigeon fly out of a tube car. It was on the District Line at Earl’s Court. I guess he didn’t want to fly, so he took the tube, but I bet he didn’t pay. He was too qiuck for me to get a picture of him or the woman that had to duck to get out of the way when he flew out as soon as the doors opened.


June 22, 2008 Leave a comment

image We spent 3 days & nights in Barcelona, Spain and if I go back I plan to spend most of the time in the beach town of Barceloneta, which is basically the waterfront area of Barcelona. It has a couple of good boardwalks, a nice beach, and a ton of good bars and restaurants.

However, the entire city is interesting with the weird architecture from Antonio Gaudi. It’s an easy city to walk around with a few nice large parks worth seeing. We were there with our friends Nina & Fred with their 2 little boys, which is why we ended up at the parks. It was very warm, so the large trees in the parks provided some much needed shade, which was much nicer than the streets and the beach was too crowded to really enjoy, so the parks were a good choice for the long weekend. I have posted a few photos too.

Off to Barcelona

June 18, 2008 Leave a comment

Sagrada FamiliaTravelling during the week without my laptop will be strange, but it is time for a short break. There are a variety of things to see and do, or so we are told, and one of them is this strange looking church called the Sagrada Familia.

I will upload photos when we are back, but might blog a little from my phone while there. It is only a 4 day trip, which is short by European standards, but seems about right for us. We can’t sit still for too long!

Dog Blog, part 276

June 14, 2008 Leave a comment

Milo at WandsworthWandsworth Park is South of the river from our place in Putney, but an easy walk through Bishops Park then over the Thames via the train bridge. Milo gets some good of off-leash time when we hit both parks on the same walk.

Click on the picture below to see where the park is on the map. Switch it to “Bird’s eye” view to get the view I have below.



Happy Paraskevidekatriaphobia Day

June 13, 2008 Leave a comment

fear_title That goes double if you have a morbid, irrational fear of Friday the 13th, which is what paraskevidekatriaphobia is. Yes, the phobia is rooted in history, but I think it’s just a way to explain coincidences in life. Although, this is a good story:

Ships that set sail on a Friday will have bad luck – as in the tale of H.M.S. Friday. Over one hundred years ago, the British government sought to stop once and for all the widespread superstition among sailors that setting sail on Fridays was unlucky. A special ship was commissioned, named "H.M.S. Friday." They laid her keel on a Friday, launched her on a Friday, selected her crew on a Friday and hired a man named Jim Friday to be her captain. To top it off, H.M.S. Friday embarked on her maiden voyage on a Friday, and was never seen or heard from again. Since then, ships are not usually launched on that date.

WWII bomb makes Milo ride the bus

Tube Closed Yes, the war is never far in London. The other day the District line (the one we take most often) was closed due to an unexploded WWII bomb that was found. It was the biggest one found in the last 30 years.

This meant taking the bus for the day, which is no big deal since I usually take the bus anyway.

Sometimes Milo takes the bus too. This time it was on the way home after our normal Friday night pub experience in Putney. Milo on a busOK, that has nothing to do with the bomb that was found. 

The strange thing about the bomb is that when searching for news articles about it, there seems to be another bomb that closed other train lines too.

Just another odd experience in London!

Why Is It always Daylight In London?

Changes in Latitudes, Changes in AttitudesAfter having just come back from Seattle, I noticed that it always seems to be daylight in London. This is partially due to the nice sunny weather in London versus the clouds and rain in Seattle, but there is more to it.

This of course just makes me think of Jimmy Buffett’s Changes in Latitude, Changes in Attitude


  Seattle London
Sunrise (June 6) 5:12am 4:45am
Sunset (June 6) 9:02pm 9:12pm
Latitude 47°36′35″N 51°30′28″N

Ford GT on Top Gear

I’m not much of a car enthusiast, but I do enjoy the Top Gear show in the UK. I just found this video that has them talking about the Ford GT. (sorry, but the embeded code didn’t work)