
Archive for March, 2010

Earning my turns: Hiking up and snowboarding down

March 21, 2010 Leave a comment
Brian at Hyak March 2010It has been a few years since I put on my snowshoes and strapped my snowboard to my back, but thankfully I still remembered how. I drove to Hyak today and hiked to the top twice. All of the chairlifts are gone due to a mudslide that took them out before the ski season, so hiking is the only option. The first time up was nice – only a few drops of rain. But the 2nd time up completely drenched me. It takes about 45 minutes to hike up and only a couple of minutes to ride down, which makes me appreciate each turn that much more. Even in the rain.

Milo ate my homework

March 11, 2010 Leave a comment

Milo and Hayley As I was feeding bits of a paper bag to Milo, our friend Hayley thought it was hilarious and wanted to get in on the fun too. Here she is feeding him some paper and even though it looks like it, she did not lose any fingers in the process.

Yes, Milo likes to eat paper; among almost everything else.

First ride back in the US

March 7, 2010 1 comment
First ride back in the US - Shilshole BayThat’s right, there is Milo in this picture. I took a short ride from South Lake Union out to Shilshole Bay since it was a perfect sunny day in Seattle. It had been far too long since I was near sailboats and the ocean. As you can see, there are a few sailboats in the photo and there were many more out there too. Now then, who can I meet who owns a sailboat around here?